Introducing the Climate Resilience Impact Fund.

Empowering Communities, Igniting Change:

Empowering Women and Communities in the Fight Against Climate Change

At Community Carbon, we are committed to unleashing the potential of communities to drive transformative change. That's why we are proud to introduce the Climate Resilience Impact Fund (CRIF).

This fund receives a portion of the payments received for emissions reductions and channels it into high-impact programs that empower and uplift women and girls, recognizing their pivotal role in spearheading the fight against climate change. Our goal is to create a lasting and meaningful impact that resonates deeply within communities, fostering profound social and economic outcomes.

The Climate Resilience Impact Fund operates autonomously from Community Carbon, operating as a nonprofit foundation. It is governed by a separate board comprising of board members and an independent selection committee, composed of experts many of whom are Africa-based leaders. 

In 2023, the fund focuses its investments on high-impact programs that prioritize the education and empowerment of women and girls. We firmly acknowledge that while women and girls are disproportionately affected by climate disasters, they also possess incredible potential to drive positive change in combating climate change.

Empowering Change: The Inaugural Grantees

The first two exceptional charities have been selected as the inaugural grantees. Street Child Uganda and AGE Africa, operating within the countries  involved in our clean cooking and safe water initiative, will receive a total funding of USD $150,000 each over three years.

Street Child Uganda

Street Child Uganda is an international NGO dedicated to ensuring every child, even in the world's hardest-to-reach communities, has access to education. Since 2018, they have made a significant impact in Uganda, helping over 40,000 children access education. Through our support, a comprehensive program called Breaking Barriers will be delivered by Street Child, focusing on advancing the learning outcomes of 4,860 children, with a particular emphasis on primary-age girls in Kyangwali Refugee Settlement.

AGE Africa

Advancing Girls' Education in Africa (AGE Africa) empowers young women in Malawi, providing them with the tools to overcome obstacles such as high costs, child marriage, and early pregnancy that hinder their education. AGE Africa's mission is to offer life-changing opportunities through education, mentoring, and leadership development. With the support of the Climate Resilience Impact Fund, a program will be implemented by AGE Africa to enhance girls' knowledge of emergency response preparedness, improve their retention and achievement in secondary schools, and empower them to become climate change leaders at local and national levels.

Committee Members of
The Climate Resilience Impact Fund

Joyce Kinyanjui

Managing Director of ziziAfrique, an education-focused business driving evidence-based interventions, strategic communication, and advocacy for community and policy actions.

Judith-Ann Walker

Development practitioner with extensive experience designing and evaluating social sector development interventions targeting women and girls in Nigeria.

Asha Mweru

Entrepreneur, business mentor, and founder of WomenWork Kenya, passionate about developing future African leaders.

Maurice Swan

Board Chair and Chair of the Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee of Carbon Streaming.

Matt Evans

Co-founder and Board Chair for UpEnergy and Director of Investments at Environmental Commodity Partners, a California-based investor in environmental markets and decarbonization projects.

Are you interested in delving deeper into the Climate Resilience Impact Fund or exploring the transformative work of Community Carbon?

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